Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours)

Duration of the Programme
The BSS (Honours) programme will be of four years’ duration and divided into 8 (eight)semesters. Each semester will comprise 19 weeks: 15 weeks for class lectures and sessionalexams, one week’s break for preparations and three weeks for semester final examinations.The programme will include 32 course units with a total of 3,200 marks, which will betranslated into 128 credit hours. The total credit hours will be evaluated on the basis of3,200 total marks: 3,000 marks for 30 taught course units, 100 marks for field research/project work/internship and 100 marks for written and oral comprehensive exams.

Eligibility for Admission
The DJS has been offering Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) degree in Japanese studiessince 2018. The very first batch of the bachelor degree programme was initiated with50 pioneer students who were selected through an intensely competitive admission testadministered jointly by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Arts under DhakaUniversity.

General Objectives of the Programme

The aim of this programme is to provide the students with broader knowledge and deeperunderstanding of Japanese economy, society, history, culture, governmental politics,international affairs, technology, pohilosophy, research methodology, demography andlanguage. A comparative study of Japan and Bangladesh will help students understand thecore differences and they will be able to learn the mechanism behind Japanese developmentprocess and how those champions could be used in the perspective of Bangladesh.The future pool of Japanologists will spread all over the world and they will act to reinforceJapan-Bangladesh relationship further. Moreover, students will be enriched withknowledge and understanding of written and spoken Japanese language up to the level ofJapan Foundation Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT**) N1.

Course Matrix: Bachelor of Social Sciences, BSS (Honours) Programme
Total Number of Course Units: 32 (including 30 taught courses)
Total number of Credit Hours: 128
Total Marks: 3,200