Coupled Economic and Socio-Political Changemakers of Duo-Nations: The Case of Bangladeshis Diaspora in Japan

  • Abul Barkat, Md. Fazle Rabby, Asmar Osman
    Published: July 2022

Volume 1, Number 2 (July 2022)


Abstract- This study investigated the spread of Bangladeshi Japanese in different sectors and how they could jointly contribute to the development path of their ancestral land and host country. Bangladeshi Japanese solicited their knowledge, skills and experience in the different development sectors of Japan, and many of them also transferred such resources to their origin country. However, Bangladeshi Japanese could hardly contribute resources and the potential they possessed. The roadblock mainly lies in Bangladesh part. Bangladesh has yet to have any country-specific strategies for including Bangladeshis naturalised in Japan. There are too many missing spaces and exposures for Bangladeshi Japanese in Bangladesh from foreign direct investment, imports, and sharing professional, scientific and technological skills. Despite Japan’s law prohibiting dual citizenship, many ethically and legally available avenues for Bangladeshi Japanese to contribute to Bangladesh’s development. Bangladeshi Japanese partaking in the national development movement of Bangladesh could create a bridge between Japanese and Bangladeshi societies for transmitting human, economic, social, and political capital. Bangladeshi-Japanese’s contribution to upholding the image of Bangladesh could be strengthened through leveraging their role in country branding, public diplomacy, indigenous trade, natural tourism and networking scientific and technological collaboration. For attainment, as stated, required a hospitable national strategy of Bangladesh with appealing opportunities and amenities. Using a 5-R Approach- Recognition, Respect, Rights, Return and Reintegration and Resources Endowments- this research analyses the Bangladeshi diaspora in Japan’s existing contribution, potentialities, barriers and ways to capitalisation their resources (social, economic, political and human capitals) to foster national development of Bangladesh.

Notes on Contributors

* Professor (retd.) and Founding Chair, Department of Japanese Studies, Dhaka University; Chief Advisor of Human Development Research Centre (HDRC); Founding Editor, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring
Multidisciplinarity, E-mail:
** Deputy Director-Research of Human Development Research Centre (HDRC), E-mail:
*** Research Consultant of Human Development Research Centre (HDRC). E-mail:

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