Compound Verbs in Japanese and Bengali with a focus on the Compound Maker Verb

Sudip Singha

PhD Scholar (Submitted), Department of Japanese,Bhasha-Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, India.


A compound verb is a common linguistic feature prevailing in two Asian languages, Bengali and Japanese, in an enormous amount and frequently used. Its usage is more frequent in Indo Aryan languages than in the south Indian languages. A compound verb is a linguistic phenomenon in which more than one verb combines to serve a combined lexical meaning. Primarily, the combined meaning derives from the lexical meaning of the first component (first verb). Certain verbs (the second verb or the compound maker) combine with the first verb to form a compound verb in both languages. This second verb is restricted in number in Bengali, whereas Japanese compound maker verbs seem enormous. This article attempts to discover the essential characteristics, such as compound makers, compound verbs, and combining mechanisms in Bengali and Japanese. Compound verbs are more closely relatedto vocabulary than grammar, and therefore, memorising them instead of following grammatical rules would be more helpful. This article has made an effort to find out about the basic structures, types of the compound verbs of Bengali and Japanese compound verbs, and their ‘compound maker’ components in both languages.

Keywords Compound verbs . Bengali . Japanese . First verb . Second verb . Compound maker verb .
